Your loved one has just passed away, and you’re ready to honor their memory and put their estate to rest. But as the administrator, your work is just beginning. It takes about 16 months to settle an estate, on average. That time frame can depend on the complexity of...
The little law firm that can.
large Firm Quality, small firm service
Our attorneys draw upon their diverse backgrounds to provide strategic and creative solutions to complex legal problems. Our diversity includes backgrounds in engineering and business to political science, education, mathematics, insurance and journalism. As trial lawyers, we have nearly 100 years of combined legal experience. We thoroughly analyze each and every detail to craft solid legal strategies that are aimed at results - while remaining well-grounded in the law. Our attention to detail has helped not only to achieve results, but also to shape and define the law.
Year: 2019
Types of business disputes that can lead to litigation
When a dispute arises between a business and another entity – be it a separate business, an individual or another group – there are a few ways to approach a resolution. Mediation might be one method, for example, or arbitration. But in some situations, those avenues...
Does a College Student Need a Will?
Over the years I’ve gotten this question a lot, and as I get ready to send my second child off to college, I have a vested interest in the answer. Your college student probably doesn’t need a will just yet, but they do need some important legal documents in place....
Cle Program: Ohio Probate 101
Paul Kellogg, an attorney with Phillips Law Firm, Inc., presented a CLE program entitle Probate 101 on April 5, 2019. The 60-minute seminar was held at the Montgomery Inn and sponsored by the Northeast Lawyer’s Club and Legal Technicality, LLC. The presentation was...
Time to Have your old A/B Trust Reviewed
Paul Kellogg – Attorney at Law The most critical reason why people should hire experienced trusts and estates lawyers for their estate planning is that it’s the only way you can make sure that you understand what you’re getting or what you already have. The estate tax...
6 Steps to Take When Someone Dies
If you have been named as the executor of your deceased family member or friend’s estate, it is important for you to understand your duties and obligations. While every situation varies, there are some basic steps you should take to begin the process of settling your...
ESTATE PLANNING CINCINNATI: 5 Top Estate Tax Planning Facts for 2019
Life and the law can change fast. If it has been more than 3 years since you had your estate plan reviewed, we would encourage you to call our office at to schedule a free estate plan review to make sure your plan, and the...
Navigating the New Parent Paperwork, Part I of IV: Essential Identification
Becoming a parent is a significant life event that opens up new vistas of happiness and sleeplessness. The goal of this four-part article is to provide a general overview and resources to new parents on how to navigate the government, estate planning, and insurance...
Navigating the New Parent Paperwork, Part IV of IV: Credit Freezes
Becoming a parent is a significant life event that opens up new vistas of happiness and sleeplessness. The goal of this four-part article is to provide a general overview and resources to new parents on how to navigate the government, estate planning, and insurance...
Navigating the New Parent Paperwork, Part III of IV: Estate Planning
Becoming a parent is a significant life event that opens up new vistas of happiness and sleeplessness. The goal of this four-part article is to provide a general overview and resources to new parents on how to navigate the government, estate planning, and insurance...