On September 20, 2007 Lloyd Clarke was killed while taking a bike ride. Lloyd was a good man – a loving husband to his wife, Sherol – a wonderful father to his 10 year old daughter – a solid co-worker – a strong, fit and experienced bicyclist who was well-liked by his...
The little law firm that can.
large Firm Quality, small firm service
Our attorneys draw upon their diverse backgrounds to provide strategic and creative solutions to complex legal problems. Our diversity includes backgrounds in engineering and business to political science, education, mathematics, insurance and journalism. As trial lawyers, we have nearly 100 years of combined legal experience. We thoroughly analyze each and every detail to craft solid legal strategies that are aimed at results - while remaining well-grounded in the law. Our attention to detail has helped not only to achieve results, but also to shape and define the law.
Insurance Claim
Bike Law 101 – The Politics Of Bicycling
In addition to having had the honor of representing more than 150 injured or killed cyclists over the past 25 years or so, I have also been actively involved in the “politics of cycling.” These political battles have increased in intensity recently and in this article...
BIKE LAW 101 – THE B.L.S [Boring Legal S… er… Stuff] FOR THE TOURING CYCLIST
Part One – INSURANCE Can’t you just picture it – maps laid out, clothes folded and ready to be loaded into waiting panniers, bike all tuned up, the smell of Teflon oil floating about the room. The last thing on the touring cyclist’s mind as she/he goes through the...
I expected to write about the new “Better Biking Bill” that flew through the Ohio legislature in June and was signed by Governor Taft at GOBA recently. This bill dramatically improves Ohio law and will make life better for cyclists in Ohio. However, in the past week,...
Last month I talked about what to do at the scene of a crash after a motorist turned left in front of you and you crashed. This month, we’re assuming you want to pursue a personal injury claim against that motorist. What’s involved? What should you do? Do you need a...
Numbers, Crashes & Accidents
The “Hurt Study” is the most frequently cited reference point for motorcycle accidents. Harry Hurt published this epic tome in 1981 after closely examining almost every aspect of some 900 motorcycle crashes in the Los Angeles area as well as reviewing an additional...
Sitting on Your Rights
Your father founded a company in 1958 called Old Painters, Inc. From 1965 to 1976, Old Painters, Inc. disposed of hazardous waste from its paint plant in a lagoon located on the company property in Anytown, New York. In 1986, your father retired, and you took over the...
Whistle Blower Statutes
Employers have been known to ask employees to violate environmental laws. Sometimes, the request occurs because of an honest misunderstanding of the law and should be considered an innocent mistake. Less scrupulous employers have been known to ask employees to perform...
“Conspicuity” – What is it & why you need to worry about it
“Conspicuity” – What is it & why you need to worry about it? First Posted on – 04/11/2007 by Phillips Law Firm, Inc. “Conspicuity” is the level or quality of being “conspicuous.” This term has become a hot buzzword in accident reconstruction and accident...